Thursday, July 17, 2008

Catch Up

I haven't posted in a few days...mostly due to laziness and nothing more. I haven't wanted to download and then upload pictures. We haven't been doing much just hanging out at home. Sunday evening Brandy, Tyrel, and Graydon, Shane and Ashley, and My mom and dad came over for dinner. Breeana loves "Bubba" Graydon. This is what she calls him we are not sure why, here are a couple pictures of them enjoying their hotdog dinner.

Bree enjoying Daddy's homemade ice cream

Bree is obsessed with umbrellas and rain, she told me it was raining and I had to sit under her Dora umbrella with her, in the house!

I can't post without adding a few pictures of my little man, he doesn't do much yet, mostly eat, sleep, and get his diaper changed!!! But he is so darn cute!!

Big Sister helping me watch brother!

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