Monday, December 13, 2010

Bree's Pre-k Christmas Program

Today was Bree's School Christmas Program. Dad, the boys and I got to go to it. Thankful my dad could come, he videoed while I wrestled the boys and snapped a few pictures and videos on my phone.

Bree's class was combined with Mrs. Terbush's class for the program. Bree said "mom, we are not singing with them. We are singing beside them!" They sang about 6 songs and said 2 poems.

Jarrett yelled out "Siiiiisssssyyyy" a couple times when it was quite. I thought it was cute. She waved at him and made his day!

I think this girl was the cutest Reindeer on stage and she sang fabulously too!

***side note...Jare is on Day 3 in underwear. He made it through the entire program and back home and then went potty! Yay!!!

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