Friday, August 29, 2008
Enjoy Your Labor Day Weekend
Thursday, August 28, 2008
Much Better Night
Also, do any of you know if Bree should have a well baby check at 2 1/ 2 or is the next one at 3 yrs.? Since doc evans left I am just out of the loop. She hasn't officially seen Kirkendall, she hasn't been sick, knock on wood. Anyway, I can just ask him at Jarrett's appointment.
Hope all of you have a wonderfully, wonderful day, I plan to.
And to my Father who I love, I had that song run through my head that night by the way, and I will miss it someday and I do try to look at things that way most of the time, but thanks for the reminder!!! Only you would have thought to say that to me!!!!
Wednesday, August 27, 2008
Not a fun post, just a little vent session!
So, it has been my intention this week to go to MOPS today. However, my wonderful children that I love so much, decided last night to be a bit of a handful. Jarrett has started this fussing thing from about 7 - 10 every night. To make him stop I have to hold him facing out on my hip and walk around or sway, basically be standing up. So after walking/standing for 3 hours, I decided to start trying to put them to bed at 10:00. I got Jarrett down and thought, okay this is going to work. Well I got Bree to lay down, minus the binky, then her dad got home from work (10:30, and this has been happening pretty much the past 3-4 weeks, so I am on my own alot with the kiddos which is fine I can handle it, but help would be nice every now and then). She heard him and had to greet him at the door, so she jumped up. This got her way excited so I let her play with him for a few. Just as we are going back to bed, little man begins to throw a fit. Now he is ready for the bottle he had refused a mere 40 minutes earlier. Since Bree still needs me to lay with her, or be in the same room to go to sleep I bring her to the living room to lay on the couch, while I feed Jarrett. She proceeds to toss, turn, get up, if she is still she might actually fall asleep and she knows this. Jarrett finally fell back asleep at midnight. I put him in bed, make Bree go to her bed, lay down with her and all I know is I wake up at 2 am, still in her bed. I get up and go to my bed only to her "MOMMY" an hour later. I am so tired at this point I bring her to my bed where she tosses for an hour and finally we are asleep at 4 am. I don't even hear Scott get up, but at 6 am I hear Jarrett fussing. I get up feed him, walk him around until he finally falls back asleep at 8:05. And now here I sit typing. Since I am missing MOPS today I will not get to go until the Sept. 24th meeting. (Jarrett has a doc appt. Sept. 10, and it has already been rescheduled once, so I am not moving it again)
So if you are still reading at this point you are either nosey (like me), laughing at me, feeling sorry for me, or have nothing better to do. I am quite tired of my nights going like this, usually they are worse when I have something I want to do the next day, so I have a plan.
Starting tonight, we are going to get into a routine, I didn't really want a schedule until I had Jarrett and now I NEED one, just for night time though, I don't feel the need to schedule every hour of the day. I hope by next week they will both be in bed asleep by 10 pm. My aunt in coming to visit on Friday-Monday, so I will have her help for 3 nights, she can take care of Jarrett while I try to get Bree into a bedtime routine. She was much much easier to get to sleep before I took the binky!!!!
Thanks for reading today, now I am going to go back and ready my "Why I love my kids" post!!! I wrote it for days like today!!! :)
Tuesday, August 26, 2008
Jarrett is 2 Months Old Today
I think these are so sweet. I believe I took some of Bree similar to these, he looks a lot like her!
Maybe it is the big blue eyes!
Breeana wanted me to curl her hair today, I don't think I got a good pic of her piggy tails but they are curled. She looked so cute I had to snap a few pics. And yesterday she was 2 1/2 and I forgot to take pics of her!
She wanted a picture of her and brother but as you can tell he was in no mood!
Out with the binkies, in with goofy her new security!! Most girls like baby dolls, blankets, or at the very least a more girly stuffed animal...My baby loves her GOOFY!!!
My Big Girl
Monday, August 25, 2008
What's In Your Purse?
I only carry a purse when I go to church, otherwise I just throw a couple things in the diaper bag. I am pretty boring and don't carry alot.
Here is a pic of what I throw in diaper bag:
1 Wallet containing only necessities
2 sets of keys, both go to the same things, go figure.
Here is what is in my purse from the last time I carried it, I believe it was Friday when I went grocery shopping without the kiddos:
Wallet and Keys that were in diaper bag
1 Walmart receipt
1 Pen
1 Enfamil Coupon
1 Shopping list
1 Gas Receipt
1 Check that was handed back to be at Walmart
1 Disc that has the pictures the hospital took of Jarrett I have yet to print :(
Invitation to Pampered Chef Party
I usually have my camera, but had to take the pic, and my cell phone is missing at the moment it is usually with me too....I just have misplaced it and I think it is set to silent, I may never find it!!!:)
I don't carry much so this wasn't all that interesting, Dawn tagged Ashley so check her blog to see if she posted she carries the equivalent of a suitcase so she will have alot to post!!!!
I tag Angela Trent, everyone else has pretty much been tagged!
*Binky update - has done well aside from one fit, she just asked me to put goofy up again because she wants a bink, we are fixing to go to bed, that is why she asked, but nap went well, so we will just read some books and see what happens : )
Debinkification Update
Anyway, it is almost nap time, not looking forward to it, should be an interesting experience!!!
Debinkification Day
Tuesday, August 19, 2008
Bree's Bedtime Prayer
"Thank you Jesus for my binkie, Wyatt (or neighbor we haven't even seen him in forever) , PaPa Guy, Travis and Crystal, and Thank you Jesus for Goofy, amen."
I know she meant to thank Jesus for her mommy, daddy, and brother, maybe tomorrow night!:)
My Smiley Boy
This ones my favorite!!!
Monday, August 18, 2008
Breeana's New Obsession...
Thursday, August 14, 2008
Thursday, August 7, 2008
Painting and Goofy
Also, her newest love is Goofy. I am not sure why, but she loves him. I found a book all about him while I was cleaning and organizing her room today and I gave it to her. She sat and looked at it for a long time, then we had lunch with Goofy in her room. (Goofy is her imaginary friend right now and if you eat his food or sit in his chair you are in trouble) Then we read the book for nap time. She fell asleep looking at it. I took in from her several times, but she kept waking up and saying "My goofy book mommy" So she took a nap with it. Maybe she will attach to it so much that she will give up her binkies on her own. One could only hope :)
Wednesday, August 6, 2008
New Jogging Stoller
Monday, August 4, 2008
Why I love my Kids!!
Now for my title, Why I love my kids... (I stole this idea from another blog I read about quads)
1. She is so persistent and independent. Although this presents a challenge with discipline and my patience, I love that she is her own little person no matter what.
2. Her smile, she not only smiles with her lips and mouth, but with her entire body, especially those big blue eyes.
3. She is so tenderhearted, which I at times am not so I don't know where she gets it. She cannot stand for people to argue in front of her, get hurt, etc. She just has to give you a hug and make sure you are okay.
4. She is a drama queen and I love it. (okay not all the time) I think it is so funny how she reacts to somethings, she is all girl, and on some days she is an emotional roller coaster!!! Can't wait for those teenage years!!! j/k
5. Most of all I love when she tells me "I love you to the canos and back mommy" I tell her I love her to so much all the way to heaven and back." So she started telling me to the canos and back. By the way canos are volcano's (she learned about volcano's on Backyardigans and Dora).
1. He grunts and groans through every nap and all night long. I think it is so cute, although it does sometimes interrupt my sleep at night.
2. How when I lay him down for even a second he throw a screaming almost pass out fit, but the second I pick him up it stops and all is well with him. This is sometimes annoying and I don't know why he all the sudden started doing it, but my mom tells me Shane used to do the same thing, but actually pass out for a second, he was a little older than Jarrett though.
3. When he smiles in his sleep....I like to think he is thinking about his mommy and it is not just gas!!!
4. How he pecks at his bed, my shoulder, or anything near his mouth when he is hungry or thinks he is hungry. ( I know all babies do this, but he is extra cute doing it!!!)
5. That he is my precious son who I love with all my heart even after only six weeks of knowing him and holding him in my arms.
I have so many more reasons I love my kids, but these are a few I wanted to share with my blog readers and my family. And so I can look back at my posts when they are making pull my hair out and remind myself how much I love them!!!