Friday, May 6, 2011

Sis & Sauce

Sauce is one of the many names I have for Sawyer. I like to give my kiddos nicknames, I think it's fun :)

Anyway I took Breeze and Saw to the park on Thursday. I haven't really taken Saw since he can walk really well. Boy is a wanderer and has a mind of his own. And to prove he's male he is capable of turning his ears off and only hearing what he wants too!

We were beginning to take finish our walk around the pond when we heard a couple familiar voice yelling "Bree". So we turned around and player awhile longer with these girls.

Bree loves to play with her friends. We had to leave a little later cause Saw had had enough. He was ready for a snack and a drink :)

Guess I should go to bed now. I planned to run 13 miles in the morning. Then thought I couldn't because Scott got called into work. Now after texting back and forth with Michelle we are going to run. Thanks to Kirstie offering for her and Emmaleigh to keep my kids (minus 1) and Caleb while Michelle and I run (torture) ourselves!

- Posted using BlogPress from my iPhone

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