Tuesday, August 19, 2008

My Smiley Boy

Jarrett has started smiling and I love it. He actually started a couple weeks ago, but he is smiling more and more everyday. I love it when he just wakes up and I pick him up and he smiles at me. It makes all the frustration with him not going to sleep the night before disappear! I just wanted to share a couple pics, these are the first pictures of his smile, but not the first smile. Also this morning when we were sharing time before Sissy got out of bed, I discovered his little toes are a little ticklish. I was playing with them like I always do and he started pulling his feet away with a huge toothless grin on his face and almost a little laugh!!!

This ones my favorite!!!


Ashley said...

These are so cute! I noticed he didn't like his feet rubbed when I was holding him on the couch on Sat.

Hilary said...

What a cutie! Funny how one little smile can change your mood, huh?

Mandy said...

Those pics are absolutely precious.

Unknown said...

HOW CUTE! And I want you to know I didn't hear a single word of Sunday Night's message cause Jarrett was such a huge distraction of cuteness!

Becky said...

He is adorable. I can't believe he is already getting so big!