Throwing a fit for not reason....and yes I have tried letting him cry it out...doesn't work he just keeps going, and going, and going, kinda like the energizer bunny, only slightly more annoying!
Anyway, I had just changed Jarrett's diaper and picked him up do to him almost passing out because he was so mad. If you don't believe me ask Ashley or better yet next time he does it I will catch it on tape and post it for you guys!!! Okay I got a little of track from my original intention for this post!!!! Well, my aunt called so I went to get the phone and talked to her for a little, I walk back into Jarretts room to find this....
Now she usually gets in trouble for climbing, but it is kinda hard to get onto her when you are laughing. So she got by with it this time. :) I did tell her not to do it again. We'll see if she listened or not in the future. When Bree is not being a "baby" she is a pretty good big helper....she told me that it was dirty under the refrigerator, I told her not to look under it....that way you don't know its there therefore no need to clean!!! 
I tried a new hair doo for my little man, it didn't stay this way long...I am not wanting to use gel and hairspray on my 2 1/2 month old but it may come to that point, I am going to try and finish the haircut I started a week ago today....wish me luck!
That's funny that she did that. Yet I'm not really suprised!
Cute. It is hard to punish them when they're so cute-(sometimes). Good luck with the haircut.
How cute is that! I'm so glad you had your camera! and that boy's hair is stylin'
Bree makes me laugh, no need to punishment there. And I agree about the refrigerator, that goes for the top of it also!
Carter climbs on the table constantly. I still put him up there some to change him, so I guess he thinks it is his too!
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